Reader story: The Scary Seas

I recently enjoyed a fantastic school visit to West Acton Primary, where we had a whole lot of fun together. One young reader, Mohamed, was inspired to try a little writing himself, and he has kindly sent me the results. I enjoyed Mohamed's story so much, with his and his parents' permission, I decided to share it with you here on my website. Enjoy...!

The Scary Seas

By Mohamed E, West Acton Primary

Once upon a time I went camping under the sea! I went camping in the water with my friend. I felt worried and nervous as I laid by tent on the wet, sandy floor. Then I ate my breakfast and felt much better. It was rice crispies and of course I had them with salty water instead of milk.

As I was eating, I saw a merman hiding from killer whales. I peered at them all from my tent. A school of fish swam across  the scene and sharks then added to the cacophony. My goggles fell off and all of a sudden I couldn’t see for a moment…but, then I saw a light. It had telekinesis and gave me my goggles back!

I could see the light now and in fact, once those goggles were in place I could see it was a not a light but an underwater sorcerer. He told me he wanted me to save the world. “I’m not strong enough to fight for the world I replied. The sorcerer answered “I can turn you in to a strong sea creature with an enchanted spell! Ummmsa-tikyaa-ra-na-fo-lioro-taji!”

As the spell worked its magic on me, I turned into an actual, ferocious (but very cool) sea dragon. I started roaring at the killer whales and sharks and got their attention. Evil sea goblins were watching the sharks and killer whales and put their fingers in their ears to stop the loud sound. I moved forward and trod on them like they were ants being squashed by giant dinosaurs that eat elephants! 

Suddenly, from the corner of my eye, I saw my friend Lucas transform into a sea snake. The sorcerer had put a spell on him too! I called him the Serpent of the Sea. He was a metal snake with a horn and was 7 feet long. He was made of a golden steel. His eyes were red and he spat out green fire.

Just then, I woke up - the sea camping was gone and I was on a boat. A pirate boat! I saw an angry pirate crew looking at the sky. Aliens were there and it was an alien and pirate battle. "Charge" they yelled. "Drill bit blitz" I yelled and they found us flamethrowers to attack. I used my hyper-beam power to fight back. Just then, the fight finished and an old man, maybe it was the captain of the boat, screeched "You have done it!" 

I looked at the man and realised it was the sorcerer from under the sea. He had brought me here to fight in this fight to save the world! "Just because you have saved us all, you can keep your powers" he said to me. 

"Well then if there is any more trouble just call my name," I replied.

And that's how my sea adventure turned me into a hero of the world.